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Spirituality Could be Tried?       Conclusion

7. Madison is the Model?

I would have to say Madison is the model for me. Some Southern fundamentalists stated recently that wives should "submit" to their husbands. Madison's mayor is a woman. Dane County, with Madison in the middle geographically, has a female county executive. The District Attorney is a woman. The fire chief is a woman. You get the idea. Nobody is asking these people to submit to anything. Why should they? This is 1999, not 1899.

Frankly, I think Madison is the model because many of us including myself still believe that some form of liberalism will save us all. Okay, I admit this is more an outer life philosophy than an inner life philosophy but I'm not going to apologize. Ronald Reagan talked in circles for eight years and was the labeled "the great communicator." I'm still totally confused by that nonsense but life will always contain some mysteries. By the way, why did this poor kid from Illinois (Ronny) become the biggest whore for the rich in human history? I don't have the answer even though I toured one of his childhood homes in Illinois. I signed a fake name in the visitors' book because I was basically there as a spy.

Madison is the model partly because the Chinese have chosen to live here in large numbers. I have read that UW-Madison has more Asians enrolled than any university in Amerika. Generally Asians know a great deal about obtaining a meaningful inner life and this is a very positive situation in my view. Diversity is the rule in Madison rather than the exception. In Des Moines, well, one size fits all. How sad. Let's take all the diversity and draw some possible conclusions from it. Let's now march directly to the conclusion section.

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Spirituality Could be Tried?       Conclusion